Late (or a Post About Cause and Effect)

Today I was late for work again. For three minutes that is.

You may ask why I’m writing on an event as insignificant as this. Hold on a moment I don’t intend this to be a whining or rant post, but a post that you can learn from.

What can we learn about me being late you may ask? Hmmm… let’s learn (or contemplate) about something called “Cause and Effect.”

In some metaphyical traditions as well as science itself, cause and effect is a commonly accepted law of the universe. That is for every cause there is an effect, and for every effect there is cause.

Something to contemplate about, though, is:

  1. A cause may have multiple effects.
    For example, going to the gym to train with weights can be a cause for you to…
    (A) Gain more muscle.
    (B) Lose more fat.
    (C) Become more attractive to opposite sex.
    (D) Be able to wear again your old overgrown clothes.
  2. An effect may have multiple causes.
    Going back to me being late at work I was late for some factors I can think of.
    (A) I didn’t get up in bed early enough.
    (B) I could have skipped taking a bath.
    (C) I could have started walking from the public transportation (Jeepney in our country) when I sensed traffic isn’t moving.
    (D) The traffic. (I know it’s like blaming the traffic, but no one could deny that it was a valid cause.)

  3. There is a chain of causes and effects.
    Meaning that an effect can in turn become a cause for another event, and so on.
    For example: A mother taught her children to be kind to people (cause 1). Her children in turn became kind to other people (effect 1 – cause 2), and because of that those people who were treated with kindness felt good (effect 2 – cause 3…). It could go on and on, like those people who were treated with kindness in turn became kind to other people, too.

There are lots of more to contemplate on the law of Cause and Effect, that I can write another post for it in the future. For now, though, it would be nice to contemplate on these things, even for a moment.


The law of Cause and Effect is for real, and remember (A) A Cause can have multiple effects; (B) an effect multiple causes; (C) there is chain or link of causes and effects.